#APF17: Call for Papers

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ENISA’s Annual Privacy Forum (APF) is to be held in Vienna on the 7th and 8th June 2017, in collaboration with the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna.

This year’s edition is organised in the light of the implementation of the newly promulgated General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and, the recent EC proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications. Even the best legislative efforts face the challenge of keeping up to speed with the pace of innovative technology and business models that challenge the way personal data is processed and privacy is protected across the EU and beyond; therefore examining what is at stake and where threats thereto originate from becomes of paramount importance.

Get involved to:

  • learn from the professionals in the field
  • participate in a high level debate
  • discover the trends for the future
  • network with key players in privacy and NIS

The call for papers is open until 13th April. To submit your paper please use the conference’s EasyChair page.

Call for papers: At APF 2017, we invite papers presenting original work on the themes of data protection and privacy and their repercussions on technology business, government, law, society, policy and on law enforcement. An inter-disciplinary approach is high in demand to contribute to bridging the gap between research, business models and policy much like proposing new models and interpretations are.

Multidisciplinary papers are particularly welcome, making explicit how the presented work can contribute to bridging the gap between research and policy.

Contributions from policy makers, representatives of competent authorities, such as Data Protection Authorities, industry experts, NGOs and civil society associations are particularly welcome. For detailed information and the aspects with which research and opinion papers should deal with are available at: http://privacyforum.eu/call-for-papers

Submissions must be written in English, should not succeed 8000 words and, need to comply with the Springer LNCS style guide. Authors must submit their papers by the deadline indicated on the conference web site and follow the requirements stated there. Papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference with a publishing house soon to be selected and announced.

Related material:

  • APF 2016 report
  • Last year in Frankfurt at APF 2016, ENISA and its partners proposed a technology readiness platform for privacy enhancing technologies. A report on the current situation and the roadmap of the ongoing project available online

To receive the latest news and updates sign up for the RSS feeds, follow #APF1and #PrivacyForum_EU on twitter and the dedicated site http://privacyforum.eu/

About APF 2017: ENISA, DG CONNECT, and the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna, Arbeitsgruppe Rechtsinformatikis jointly organise the two-day event with the objective of providing a forum to academia, industry and policy makers.


For information please contact the APF Committee via the following link

For press enquiries please contact [email protected],  Tel. 2814 409576